What is acupuncture?
What’s the purpose of acupuncture?
I don’t like needles.
Do not worry, most people are afraid of needles. But the needles used in acupuncture are very thin compared to needles used in hospitals for medicine. You’ll feel a slight pressure as the needle pierces the skin but overall there should be no pain.
What illnesses are treated using acupuncture?
There are various illnesses applicable with acupuncture, both acute and chronic.
Since this treatment’s effects will vary from person to person, the number of treatment sessions can vary for each person.
How many sessions are needed for acupuncture to take effect?
Normally, the longer the patient has the condition, the longer the course of treatment before they experience significant results. As with tearing down a problem that has long mounted itself on a body, it takes that much amount of time to remove it. Acupuncture can be administered as often as five times a week, or as little as once a month.
What do I expect to feel after acupuncture?
The primary feeling should be calming and reassurance. You may feel tired or drowsy for a few hours if the session was intense and strong. You may also experience a short-term flair-up of symptoms in the healing process as the treatment takes effect. After a session, it is a good idea to settle down and let it do its work. A gentle walk or very mild exercise is allowed and can be helpful. Avoid large meals, strenuous exercise, drinking alcohol and stressful situations. This might lengthen the needed number of sessions if overlooked.
I'm interested! How do I begin with acupuncture?
Simply contact us below for initial consultation and we’ll be with you shortly. Acupuncture is an effective way to treat many types of pain, with rare side effects. Acupuncture can be a viable option when pain medicines and other treatments haven’t worked in the past.
Who is Dr. Carolyn Cook
Dr. Carolyn Cook leads in the best miami fl clinic you can find. She performs acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, and body work, are among her other modalities.
She is a licensed, Florida Board Certified Acupuncture Physician with over 20 years of experience in the field of Chinese medicine. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and credentialed herbalist, overall adept in herbal medicines. In addition, she also has a Diplomat of National Certification and Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), and a Diplomat of Canonical Chinese Medicine (CCM). Contact us now and experience the best Miami fl acupuncture has to offer!
Classical Herbs and Acupuncture, Inc 9655 S Dixie Highway #204 Miami, Florida 33156
Contact Us
Miami Acupuncture & Classical Herbs is ready to provide you the best acupuncture Miami has to offer! Contact us to know more and we will begin our consultation shortly.